"If you cannot find it in your own body,
you will not find it elsewhere."
– Upanishads
"You don't have to be sick
to get better."
– Fritz Perls
Among both colleagues and clients, I am considered a potent teacher, catalyst and guide for conscious relationship, mind-body counseling, and personal psycho-spiritual growth and awakening. Since I first began studying with master teachers Gay and Katie Hendricks, and received dual Hendricks Institute certifications in couples' conscious relationship counseling and body-centered psychotherapy in 1997, I have gleaned and integrated so much more into my work with individuals and couples: from Core Energetics, Buddhist and Advaitic Nondual psychology, and aspects of David Deida's sacred sexuality work, to my previous Reiki and Rebirthing and hands-on healing bodywork and Imago Relationship Therapy certifications, to Kabbalistic wisdom, "shadow" work, and Ken Wilber's brilliant guiding framework of consciousness-development. Today, working successfully both in person and by phone as well as via Skype (in face-to-face online video sessions) with people from all over the U.S. and beyond, I teach and coach only what I've experienced in my own body and life. And as both Gay Hendricks and my beloved friend Christina would say, "I am my own best customer!"
I help people catalyze and create the relationship they want with another through catalyzing and creating the relationship they want with themselves.
The word "genius" originally meant not intellectual savant, but rather your unique, innate gift. My genius is in seeing and interacting with yours – i.e., with your essence. I respect my clients as equals, and as I mirror and am present to your essence, I help you distinguish ego (our fear-based, reactive defendedness) from essence, and receive and awaken to what's actually magnificent about you. With generous listening, humor, loving presence, deep openness, playfulness, the applied wisdom of conscious living and conscious loving skills and principles, and what many couples and individuals have described as laser-beam insight, you receive an intrinsically magnificent reflection of who you really are, at your core. We thereby co-create the transformative space for you to emerge and express your greatness, discover places of ease and flow both in your own body and in blame-free celebratory relationships, and move your creative projects and contribution out into the world.
If you haven't arrived at these places, and are ready to, call me. If you want to know more first, come see about your options and all the benefits that will accrue to you through Relation-Shift.